We have implemented an integrated system, called Computational Situation Awareness (CSA), into a prototype control station to coordinate dynamic task sharing and allow UxV operators to be quickly brought up to speed with sufficient situation awareness to effectively understand and handle new tasking. Within CSA we have implemented a real-time workload model for estimating workload across a user’s visual, tactile, and cognitive resources. This workload estimate enables the system to recognize when tasks should be handed off and to whom they should be handed. By tracking user tasks, user workload, and system state, the system builds and understanding of the team’s effectiveness and current capabilities and tracks a task’s progress withing the team. This understanding allows the system to determine which team member can best perform each task and to determine the information each operator will need to obtain or maintain SA without unduly increasing workload.


Grigsby, S., Crossman, J., Frederikson, R., Purman, B., and Schmorrow, D. (2017). Intelligent Systems Applied to Workload Monitoring and Task Allocation. Proceedings of the 19th International Society of Aviation Psychology (Dayton)